adding module in ../redis-nginx-module-0.3.9
+ ngx_http_redis_module was configured
adding module in ../rds-json-nginx-module-0.16
+ ngx_http_rds_json_filter_module was configured
adding module in ../rds-csv-nginx-module-0.09
+ ngx_http_rds_csv_filter_module was configured
adding module in ../ngx_stream_lua-0.0.14
checking for LuaJIT library in /Volumes/DevHD/MdServer/server/source/openresty/openresty- and /Volumes/DevHD/MdServer/server/source/openresty/openresty- (specified by the LUAJIT_LIB and LUAJIT_INC env, with -ldl) ... found
adding extra linking options needed by LuaJIT on x86_64
checking for LuaJIT 2.x ... found
checking for Lua language 5.1 ... found
checking for LuaJIT has FFI ... found
checking for export symbols by default (-E) ... not found
checking for export symbols by default (--export-all-symbols) ... not found
checking for SO_PASSCRED ... not found
checking for SA_RESTART ... found
checking for require defined symbols (-u) ... found
+ ngx_stream_lua_module was configured
checking for zlib library ... found
creating objs/Makefile
Configuration summary
+ using PCRE library: /Volumes/DevHD/MdServer/server/source/openresty/pcre-8.38
+ using OpenSSL library: /Volumes/DevHD/MdServer/server/source/openresty/openssl-1.1.1p
+ using system zlib library